HIH Invest designs and implements structured real estate investment solutions in accordance with the German Capital Investment Act (KAGB) so as to give institutional investors the opportunity to invest in European real estate markets. The products are tailored to bespoke investor needs, and complemented by a flexibly combinable service spectrum.
All of the real estate services offered by the HIH Group are available for the management of properties across their entire life cycle.
Learn more about the HIH Group
Our active open-ended special AIFs employ varying investment strategies.
Investors may choose to invest alone or together with like-minded partners in specific premium assets and special sectors, among other options.
Individual funds and single mandates are fund strategies and fund solutions tailored to the requirements of a single investor.
Strategy funds are risk-diversified investment solutions with a set investment strategy.
Umbrella funds, master funds and classic multi manager mandates: we offer bespoke solutions.